Gerärgert a : All call for the early to arrive, but that it provides special train earlier, because no one. Not even the KVB.
Annoy 2: No (frustration) of beer in and around the stadium
Annoy 3 : The whole game
Annoy 4 : Cologne only one disabled no goalie, and is responsible for ensuring the staff planner
Annoy 5 : In the first half of the Gladbach No. 9 laughed, the fattest man in the room - joking, of course, that would still make - a point of honor at FC!
Asked: How defense and goalkeeper in the week, well-trained the vote?
Thought: The FC manages not even, g
egen the shooting to take the League
Laughed : riot police looked on tourists at the Military Ring - Tourists photographing riot police, how absurd!
Maintained: improved by 13 clock, 30 minutes, on the Neumarkt, d em big KVB Traffic Prevention node - in the rain ...
Thought : unable Glad Acher, but still unable Cologne
Viewed: felt the 1000th Gladbach win in Müngersdorf
(correction) Set: Let The invitation to the annual meeting
: the pseudo-over-hate, to build the, some, and then think that they are misbehaving may be
Counted: How many Saturdays, the club now, I really messed up already?
smiled: announcement of the KVB-driver who drove for probably the first time, football fans: "If you continue to knock on the windows, I'll admit the car."
happy : Michael Frontzek tröstet Poldi nach dem Schlusspfiff
Annoy 2: No (frustration) of beer in and around the stadium
Annoy 3 : The whole game
Annoy 4 : Cologne
Annoy 5 : In the first half of the Gladbach No. 9 laughed, the fattest man in the room - joking, of course, that would still make - a point of honor at FC!
Asked: How defense and goalkeeper in the week, well-trained the vote?
Thought: The FC manages not even, g
Laughed : riot police looked on tourists at the Military Ring - Tourists photographing riot police, how absurd!
Maintained: improved by 13 clock, 30 minutes, on the Neumarkt, d em big KVB Traffic
Thought : unable Glad Acher, but still unable Cologne
Viewed: felt the 1000th Gladbach win in Müngersdorf
(correction) Set: Let The invitation to the annual meeting
: the pseudo-over-hate, to build the, some, and then think that they are misbehaving may be
Counted: How many Saturdays, the club now, I really messed up already?
smiled: announcement of the KVB-driver who drove for probably the first time, football fans: "If you continue to knock on the windows, I'll admit the car."
happy : Michael Frontzek tröstet Poldi nach dem Schlusspfiff
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