What a collection of pleasing similarities:
- announced a Winter Sleep Occurs in Groningen on (after I had missed her appearance six months ago in HH) - I love Wintersleep - Groningen is situated only 160 km (yes, for me it's "only"!) - the weather should be nice
As could actually go wrong, right? ;)
Sunday morning we went to Oldenburg, from where we take a leisurely breakfast around 13 clock () broke up?. Bright sunshine, it added up to very cold, but that does not matter:) The mood was extraordinary good in any case. Sun bombig that sometime shortly before the border Groningen missed the exit to. We did stop, so early so we do not have the Navi -.- But what looked at first one probably annoying, a pleasant drive brought us to beautiful country roads through green and blue picture book landscape. It fell on Holland seems to be similarly densely populated as Canada - that is unlikely, because often you could see as far as the eye can see not a single building. And the Dutch do not share our passion, everything surrounded by any fence. One would have to enter each field and each of the rare groves. Photographers paradise-x
were arriving in Groningen at once fulfilled all tourism expectations
canals, houseboats and bicycles: D
But the city should not reduce it, because it has much more to offer. Unfortunately I can from this "more" present little, a long time since we were staying at a quaint café, and then it was almost dark. But it is a small yield but, combined with a course in Dutch for Beginners ": p

Een laan
An old house
Cycling and Martinichurch
Pubs ;
City Hall
tower of the church, Martini
een photographic experiment:)
And then it was almost time we were in the direction of Hall on his way.
And here the live report :)

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