I was on the way:) I think knowing it before all those who throw in here every now and then a look, but for the others briefly the background: a friend invited me to spend New Year with her in Stuttgart. Another friend lives on Lake Constance. So I immediately had two good reasons to accept the invitation and to schedule a few days in distant climes.
Even at the last stage of Stutgart to sing I had given the beauty of the route often the breath away: it was at the Necker along the da but more of a creek than a river is. It winds through valleys and the railway follows him. If it is then how go on my journey through a snow-covered and sun-drenched landscape, then compensate for the sight of all the previous delays, and any stress. It was simply fantastic! :)
Now once the images from the first day, because of course we have not let us take to turn the cameras on a small arms round on Lake Constance. (Sandra, I do not remember were called at all, like the corners and complemented one probably my data?). Although it was cloudy as opposed to the morning and rather cloudy, but beautiful images can actually see what the weather.

As Isser, Lake Constance:))
were at one point many stone sculptures that are needed, according to a sign for the TV show Galileo. I know details about it or might not.
A castle
Still no towel to documents on it, weird ...
A few yards away there was an observation hut, from where you can see colonies of water birds. During our short visit there were only to see herons and a couple of cormorants. But what does "only", it was nevertheless my first cormorants;)
top waiting for us a very special atmosphere - fog and clouds, but not a monotone sky. It looked great and we had great fun there!
Later there was a private screening of the knowledge of a helicopter flight-student. If he has done pretty well;)
A detail the red house wall ..
view along the old ramparts of the city wall
gene seems to have a permanent place in the "Our place will be nice to have "run:)
Day 3 - Weather cloudy, but we do not slow down 3 to:)) At first it went right back to Lake Constance (this was the Märkelfinger angle, Sandra), where? the motifs are really made .. rar
The smoke is no fog or snow storm, but - smoke;) From a few boys who once had to test their Silvestermonition ..
A place on the road, but already on the Swiss side (or?)
The marketplace with its painted worldwide - that must have been seen up close!
a while we have reviewed the water birds of the region, and then made our - packed with the most important export commodity of the Swiss (or;)) namely Chocolate - on the way home.
From the second part of the trip, Stuttgart, there is still uncomfortable due to weather and other companies that have taken place kameralos, unfortunately no photos. That will hold a rescheduled second time:)
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