[ge] wonder: About the 8000 Duisburg. This is called a game of the year ..
by [ge] addressed: At the entrance of five to seven. Booyah!
[ge] were: ages, in KVB before the game.
[ge] angry: over the award of Vizepräsdenten at the AGM: "With Duisburg we have a lot of impact Release." If you are a decent national league team, yes. Otherwise: Advanced. Reveals that all the ignorance in the FC leadership.
[ge] smiles: seatmate: "The Brecko is now the best man at FC." Could not even be contradicted ...
[ge] asked (was): "Let's be honest: What you can do to you that every 2 weeks?"
[ge] angry: Hat the FC vice president now states: Because Kaiserslautern Koblenz or would have been solved at home, too sure ...
[ge] see: Poldis incredible hammer with his left foot. Several times. If only were not able to enter the goal
[ge]: The last few minutes. And also kept their. Man man man ...
[ge] asks: It took the FC Christmas party after the game for half an hour, or at least 45 minutes?
[ge] heard: Actually, only the Duisburg. However, next to the away section.
[ge] see: freaking visiting fans, with the upper body hanging freely and middle finger pointing cheer fence to the seats. Hach, football is so beautiful ...
[ge] heard: The Christmas wishes from the stadium announcer after the game. "Let these gifts rich, they deserve it." Was probably from ...
[ge] thought: Actually a matching accounts
[ge] drunk: Kölsch, from the 2nd half. Then it went ...
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