[ge] wonder: conversation on the train one way: "If we are in the DFB Cup Final, we will take the wheel to Berlin." If the word if it were not ...
[ge] angry: Sportslab within the Billy Goat Echo now, so the best players of the opponent before. How about if Sportslab would again find good players for the FC? Is already some time ago ...
[ge] smiles : The Billy Goat Echo report to the Annual General Meeting, the non-ratification of the Board with a set in the rear part of the text mentioned .
[ge] hears (should be called "not heard"): The pile of visiting fans. May be happy that the upper level north shortly before the end even pity them call out a "lollipop" after they play on the fence something like indignation. If we elitist and arrogant ? Oh well ...
[ge] annoys : buy to forget the choreography posters after the game
[ge] asks: Did I see next Sunday, my first win in Leverkusen?
[ge] answered (view themselves) : No!
[ge] drunk : The Worst Kölsch what it was ever in the stadium. Assumption: The alcohol was free from the barrel Gladbach game still connected
set [ge] represents : Wolfsburg is compared to FC yes clearly larger money-burning machine when you look at their salaries and performance look.
[ge] learns : a sausage you can eat almost raw and warm, without getting stomach problems
[ge] peeing : In the 60th Minutes
[ge] pleased: He makes them all in, for our club - Novagool! Is so nasty football. One is that day weakest FC players celebrated as a hero.
[ge] hears : Opinions on the way back ". Better now three points and then lose in Leverkusen "
[ge] thought : The striker is Poldi's scope is limited to 10 square meters
[ge] see : a grizzled Litti, who tried in vain to wave to substitute for bank
[ge] see II: his sword through the legs thick bush. Honestly ...
[ge] angry: Sportslab within the Billy Goat Echo now, so the best players of the opponent before. How about if Sportslab would again find good players for the FC? Is already some time ago ...
[ge] smiles : The Billy Goat Echo report to the Annual General Meeting, the non-ratification of the Board with a set in the rear part of the text mentioned .
[ge] hears (should be called "not heard"): The pile of visiting fans. May be happy that the upper level north shortly before the end even pity them call out a "lollipop" after they play on the fence something like indignation. If we
[ge] annoys : buy to forget the choreography posters after the game
[ge] asks: Did I see next Sunday, my first win in Leverkusen?
[ge] answered (view themselves) : No!
[ge] drunk : The Worst Kölsch what it was ever in the stadium. Assumption: The alcohol was free from the barrel Gladbach game still connected
set [ge] represents : Wolfsburg is compared to FC yes clearly larger money-burning machine when you look at their salaries and performance look.
[ge] learns : a sausage you can eat almost raw and warm, without getting stomach problems
[ge] peeing : In the 60th Minutes
[ge] pleased: He makes them all in, for our club - Novagool! Is so nasty football. One is that day weakest FC players celebrated as a hero.
[ge] hears : Opinions on the way back ". Better now three points and then lose in Leverkusen "
[ge] thought : The striker is Poldi's scope is limited to 10 square meters
[ge] see : a grizzled Litti, who tried in vain to wave to substitute for bank
[ge] see II: his sword through the legs thick bush. Honestly ...