I spy with my little eye ...
... is a well-known game from childhood. A game that also drives God with us. And the seriousness and joy at the same time. For God looks at things that we do not see. When our neighbor as well as in ourselves
and his perspectives are just different. Even if we do head stand (as already mentioned in another post), we ran are not there. Not in our ideal image of ourselves and not God's view.
I believe God sees our efforts and our efforts, even if it passes another short on the A **** and they see what is immediately visible and not just what goes on behind the scenes.
When the heart condemn us, then we can go to God and bring to him our heart to rest, because it is larger than our Heart and know everything anyway (as an apostle from the Bible - and it must know).
And in between, until the next person sees more than the obvious? Should we just - a beautiful old German word to use - trust and endure. Not in itself (as it builds unstable), but to God.
And everything else? Time to "see".